Legends of Equestria Wiki

Alabaster is a talking chest NPC from Dig Site Dungeon that offers a variety of items at random for auralum billets.

He is located in the 2nd half of the dungeon in the lava pit right before the obstacle course.

Alabaster is a talking chest NPC from Dig Site Dungeon that offers a variety of items at random in exchange for 4 auralum billets.

For 8 billets Alabaster can also offer 12000 XP every 24h in a random profession; artisan, cooking, combat, weather, etc. If the 24h coooldown isn't over you will earn 1200 XP in a random talent for 8 billets.

Drop Table:[]

Note: The percentages are approximates.

400 auralum billets = 100 tries are considered for this current drop table.

From most common to most rare.

  • 32x Copper Ore
  • 48x Copper Ore
  • 64x Copper Ore
  • 32x Iron Ore
  • 64x Iron Ore
  • 16x Diamond Dust
  • 16x Emerald Dust
  • 16x Peridot Dust
  • 16x Garnet Dust
  • 16x Sapphire Dust
  • 48x Energy Materia
  • 32x Tin Ore
  • 48x Tin Ore
  • 64x Tin Ore
  • 2x Evershade Hut Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Evershade Hut Teleport Crystal
  • 4x Evershade Hut Teleport Crystal
  • 2x Evershade Gorge Teleport Crystal
  • 4x Evershade Gorge Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Evershade Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Cloudopolis Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Ponydale Teleport Crystal
  • 4x Ponydale Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Apple Orchard Teleport Crystal
  • 2x Cantermore Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Cantermore Teleport Crystal
  • 3x Frontier Teleport Crystal
  • 4x Crystal Kingdom Teleport Crystal
  • 1x Magic Resist Harmony 2
  • 1x Health Regen Harmony 2
  • 1x Health Harmony 2
  • 1x Ability Damage Harmony 2
  • 1x Energy Harmony 2
  • 1x Reflex Harmony 2
  • 8x Spatial Crystal
  • 16x Alicium Ore
  • 32x Alicium Ore
  • 24x Elementium Crystal
  • 32x Elementium Crystal
  • Book of Asclopius has a 4% chance of dropping.
  • Shimmering Runestone has a 3.33% chance of dropping. (or 4% , but more research is required)
  • Mystic Infusion has a 1% chance of dropping. (requires confirmation)
  • Flux has an under 1% chance of dropping. (requires confirmation)

(Further reports are required to obtain a correct drop table chance)

(fan wikia allows you to login with google, facebook, instagram without email confirmation)

Alabaster can offer small hints of lore and info regarding the name of the Athmaneian princess, but refuses to talk further about the Rakashasa Incursions and other significant lore-related information.


Alabaster speaks correctly in Elizabethan era English, not to be confused with ancient Anglo-Saxon language.


Thunder , Alabaster's writer:



Alabaster is a mineral and a soft rock used for carvings and as a source of plaster powder.

Total Drops from 400 billets:


  • 256 copper ore
  • 224 iron ore
  • 112 tin ore
  • 288 Energy Materia
  • 80 emerald dust
  • 64 peridot dust
  • 64 sapphire dust
  • 48 garnet dust
  • 32 diamond dust
  • 16 ruby dust
  • Uncommon
  • 18 Evershade Hut Teleport Crystal
  • 14 Ponydale
  • 9  Crystal Kingdom
  • 7  Cantermore
  • 6  Evershade Gorge
  • 5  Evershade normal
  • 5  Cloudsale
  • 5  Apple Orchard
  • 4  Frontier
  • Moderate
  • 5 Energy Harmony II
  • 4 Health Harmony II
  • 3 Health Regen II
  • 3 Magic Resist Harmony II
  • 2 Armor Harmony II
  • 2 Energy Regen II
  • 1 Ability Damage Harmony II
  • 1 Reflex Harmony II
  • Rare
  • 96 alicium ore
  • 64 elementium crystals
  • 32 spatial crystal
  • Very Rare
  • 4 Book of Asclopius
  • 3 Shimmering Runestone

Anyone can copy-paste a loot table and modify it. Somebody please do it.

(AHEM... wow just wow. Nobody ever contributes to the wikia? is this normal? after 9 months after the dungeon has been released and anticipated for 7 years nobody bothers making pages for it?)

(Wait a second... most of the articles and pages are 99% made by the LoE folk? No offence to the community but you guys suck(lightest swear possible) at this worse than LoE's PR & mods. A wikipedia is supposed to be updated by the community, not the people behind the MMO. The people behind the MMO can at least just give you the mathematical formulas for how certain things work and that's it. Often times most MMO devs don't even give you that. I cry for your parents who ask you to do some chores around the house.)

Amounts Icon Item Probability Sell-Value (bits)
16,32,48,64 Iron Ore 12% 280
10-50 Rare 280
10-50 Rare 172
10-50 Rare 320
10-50 Rare 520
22,23,30,32,35 Moderate 4
35,40 Rare 28
22,23,30,32,35 Moderate 1
22,23,30,32,35,40 Moderate