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All That Glitters Is Goldis one of several quests available to teach about the talent trees. Each of these quests are the fourth quest in the Foal Story Arc and they are mutually exclusive from one another. The quest is obtained from Frizzy Stradlin, Starburst Nova, or Windhover depending on the player's pony race. This specific quest is designed to teach the basics of the Mining talent tree and is open to every race.

Quest Initiation[]

If the player decides to learn more about mining, they can talk to the appropriate teacher about talent marks and ask about the mining talent. The player will then be told find Resonance, Geode's wife, near the Gem Mines.

Journal: I've been instructed to go speak with Resonance outside the Ponydale Mines to begin my training in the Mining Talent.

  • Talk to Resonance about mining.

Talking to Resonance[]

Resonance instructs player to go to mines to find her husband, Geode. She also gives Brass Pickaxe and Downsing Crystal

Journal: Resonance gave me a Dowsing Crystal and Brass Pickaxe, and she wants me to go talk to her husband Geode inside the Ponydale Mines entrance.

  • Talk to Geode about mining.

Talking to Geode[]

Upon talking with Geode, he says that Resonance must had recognized true talent to give one of her dowsing crystals. He then instructs to go to the tunnel and mine Copper Ore in first large cavern player will see.

Journal: Geode asked me to head into the first Large cavern inside the Mines and dig up 20 pieces of copper ore.

  • Mine Copper Ore in this area

Returning with ores[]

Geode says that he knew player could do this and as reward can keep gathered Copper Ores. He then ask player to deliver samples of ores for a new librarian in town, Helping Hoof

Journal Geode asked me to deliver two special ore samples to Helping Hoof, the new Ponydale Librarian. She's in the giant tree by the Ponydale train station.

  • Talk to Helping Hoof about ores.

Talking to Helping Hoof[]

Helping Hoof is very excited about samples of Alicium and Elementium Ore and thanks for delivering them. She also offers her help in future if player would need it.

Journal I should return to Geode and let him know I've successfully delivered the rocks to Helping Hoof.

  • Return to Geode

Returning to Geode[]

Upon returning to Geode, he is very happy that player delivered samples. He then says that one of classmates, Pyrite came here too and went to area marked with Danger sign.

Journal: My classmate Pyrite asked somepony to help him dig out some buried treasure he found. He's in a small tunnel with "Danger" sign off to the side of a large cavern.

  • Talk to Pyrite about his discovery

Talking to Pyrite[]

Upon talking to Pyrite, he says that he made DISCOVERY OFF THE CENTURY. He then explains that he found fascinating rock formaton an needs help with mining.

Journal I found the strange buried treasure that Pyrite was searching for. T should show him what I discovered.

  • Look for mystery ores here

Looking for ores[]

Player needs to look for ores till announcement saying: It doesn't look like there's anything else to be found here.

Talking to Pyrite again[]

Pyrite says that he has no idea what player has found and suggest talking to Geode

Journal: I found three mysterious, glittering pieces of ore. We should take them back to Geode and see if he knows what they are.

  • Walk around with Pyrite.
  • Go see Geode again.

Talking to Geode[]

Geode says that he has no idea what are those ores. He mentions stories about ponies hearing faint voices and humming of magical barrier down there. He then suggest asking Helping Hoof for help.

Journal: Even Geode is puzzled by these strange rocks. He suggested that Pyrite and I might find some answers from Helping Hoof in the Ponydale Library.

  • Walk around with Pyrite.
  • Talk to Helping Hoof about the mystery ores.

Talking to Helping Hoof[]

Helping Hoof asks Pyrite to describe found rocks, she then asks player to give some more details about ores. She then found something in one of Professor Heavy Stone's book

Journal: Helping Hoof told us that these rare stones were last seen in the possession of a pony called "The Lost Explorer." We should head back to the Mines and report our findings to Geode.

  • Tell Geode everything you found out about the ores.
  • Walk around with Pyrite.

Talking to Geode[]

Journal: I found my special talent!'

