Legends of Equestria Wiki

Bagels is a Pegasus NPC located in Ponydale between the marketplace and the river. When spoken to, he will tell the player roughly to leave him alone. The reason for his behavior is not currently known. His attitude is similar to that of Sawbuck.


  • "Beat it, if ya know what's good for ya!"
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Equestria sure is beautiful and homogenous."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "You know, I'm not the kind of pony you want to be seen talking too."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "That's a bagel on my flank, not a donut. It is also not real."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "You didn't see nothin'."
  • [Response: You mean, "You didn't see anything]
  • [Response: I ain't no Johnny Squealer."]
  • Stop appropriating your culture's grammatical norms into my ancestral regional dialect.
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Bad things are going to happen if you don't stop talking to me."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Hey, you wanna hear my life story?"
  • [Response: No]
  • Oh, good. Boy, am I glad you didn't say yes!
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Do you think I'll be judjed for everything I've done? Because I would really prefer that I weren't."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Organized crime is a myth perpetuated by law enforcement to justify infringing upon your civil liberties."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "Today's going to be a bad day."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]
  • "I just wanted to say I have the utmost respect for clowns."
  • [Response: Goodbye.]


  • A bagel is a boiled and baked yeast-raised bread item in the shape of a doughnut-like ring.