Legends of Equestria Wiki

Baggy Britches is a unicorn NPC located in eastern Ponydale, near The Boutique.


  • "A surprisingly large part of being a clown is simple psychology. You have to read the crowd, read the faces, see what they’re anticipating next and make it better than what they hope."
  • "Big part of this job is the whole physical comedy routine; slapstick! It's tough, pulling off those stunts. I work just as hard as any other athletes, hehe. No pain, no gain!"
  • "Welcome to P.T Big-Top's Travelling Circus!"
  • "The Circus that never actually travels!"
  • "Hey there, here for a show? You've got the best part standin' right in front of you!"
  • "Woops, sorry, runaway honker! Cummere you. Get back here!"
  • "Oh, are you our new sword swallower? Our last one kept getting the hiccups..."
  • "I know I left my whoopee cushion somewhere up in the stands...oh well, I'll just wait till I hear someone sit on it."
  • "Howdy howdy!"
  • "What is a clown, my friend? Nothing more than a hilarious pile of slapstick, pies on honking."
  • "Circuses aren't all fun and games you know- well, I guess they are... we clowns still gotta get paid!"
  • "Where do I get my makeup? I'm not wearing any! This is how I really look! Sorry, clown joke.
  • "What's the secret to my success? A little something we in the business call Boffo, that's what!"
  • "Hey, you look like you'd make a good clown!"
  • "That's a compliment, of course."
  • "Fireball Blitz seems full of himself, but it's all part of the act. On the inside he's very humble."
  • "And cute."
  • "Trust me, anypony can fall down on their rump, but it takes a real clown to do it more that once in an hour and keep it fully every time."