Legends of Equestria Wiki

Bastion is a pegasus NPC located in northeastern Ponydale.


  • "Being here is better than in the quarters stuck with rations. Don’t even get me started on those flavors. Hmph."
  • "Even after my ulcer acts up and I’m tired of guard duty, I absolutely have to come and eat good food. It’s part of my life, in some small, sad way."
  • "Yes? What’s so dire that you need to speak to me? / What could I possibly have done to make you come?"
  • "Penny and gleam should stop acting so unprofessional when we judge food. It’s as if they want to reveal how they actually feel about the food. Uhgh, a small sentence is fine, thank you very much"
  • "I need something fresh and new today.
    You seem like you could make something food. if you don’t have what I need and you fail my expectations… well, I won’t care."
  • "You know, I was named after a great warrior. And here I am, speaking with you…/ So, what could I possibly say to you to make you leave?"
  • "You think you can cook something good? Really? Ok, I guess you can do what you want."
  • "Penny and Gleam should stop acting so unprofessional when we judge food. It's as if they want to reveal how they actually feel about the food. Uhgh, a small sentence is fine, thank you very much."
  • "You should have seen the party at Gleam’s place last year. Reeeal gaudy. She should have gotten my design advice!"
  • "How am I supposed to enjoy my food"


  • A bastion is a part or type of fortification, and by extension anything seen as protective.