Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Bluebell is an earth pony merchant NPC located near Cantermore Observatory. She sells food items as well as musical instruments, eyewear, armor, and socks, and also buys items from the player.


Icon Name Buy (bits) Sell (bits)
Yellow Apple Yellow Apple 4 1
Celery Stalk Celery Stalk 3 1
Pear Pear 4 1
Saxophone Saxophone 35 7
Trombone Trombone 30 6
Trumpet Trumpet 23 4
Goggles Goggles 6 1
Glasses Glasses 6 1
Brass Helmet Brass Helmet 75 15
Brass Chest Plate Brass Chest Plate 100 20
Brass Back Plate Brass Back Plate 75 15
Brass Front Legs Brass Front Legs 50 10
Brass Back Legs Brass Back Legs 50 10
Nickel Helmet Nickel Helmet 400 80
Nickel Chest Plate Nickel Chest Plate 400 80
Nickel Back Plate Nickel Back Plate 600 120
Nickel Front Legs Nickel Front Legs 350 70
Nickel Back Legs Nickel Back Legs 350 70
Gold Helmet Gold Helmet 20000 4000
Gold Chest Plate Gold Chest Plate 11000 2200
Gold Back Plate Gold Back Plate 20000 4000
Gold Front Legs Gold Front Legs 9000 1800
Gold Back Legs Gold Back Legs 9000 1800
Socks back Dot Socks (Back Legs) 50 50
Socks front Dot Socks (Front Legs) 50 50
Manuscript Armor Harmony Manuscript 1 20 4
Manuscript Magic Resist Harmony Manuscript 1 20 4
Manuscript Health Harmony Manuscript 1) 20 4
Manuscript Health Harmony Manuscript 2 40 8
Manuscript Health Harmony Manuscript 3 80 16
Manuscript Energy Harmony Manuscript 1 20 4
Fireworks Rise Fireworks Rise 800 160
Fireworks Trail Fireworks Trail 800 160
Fireworks Glow Red Fireworks Glow Red 1500 300
Fireworks Glow Green Fireworks Glow Green 1500 300
Fireworks Glow Blue Fireworks Glow Blue 1500 300


  • "Hooray! It's (player name)! I haven't been this happy since the last time somepony talked to me! Actually, that's a lie. I'm always this happy."
  • "Do you like flowers as much as I do? No. You don't. Stop trying to front me. I can tell when I'm being patronized!"
  • "Do you want some boots? Because you can totally have my boots! I've got more boots than I know what to do with. In fact, take anything you want! I don't mind!"
  • "Hi, I'm Bluebell! I like giving away my things and flowers and candy and sugar and shoes and butterflies and cupcakes and tea and bunnies and balloons and holidays and makeup!"
  • "I've got lots of fun clothes you can wear. My birthday is in June. I have an unhealthy obsession with flowers, and my favourite food is rainbows!"


  • She was originally named "Bluebell the Wearable Items Mare" in the earlier Open Server Events.
  • Bluebell used to sell equipment that could be worn by the player. However, as of the 4/11 open server weekend, she now only sells food (and a saxophone, for some reason). Despite this, a few lines of her dialogue still imply that she sells clothing. She sells clothes again as of 8/15.
  • In the ninth Open Server Event, her eye design was changed and a secondary color was added to her mane.

