Legends of Equestria Wiki

The Chat supports commands with /COMMAND Syntax. All commands can be seen by typing /help into the chat.

The following typographic conventions are used. Default values are written in CAPSLOCK. Commands that don't have a use or don't work currently are highlighted in red. Commands are bold and sorted alphabetically.


 Executes the "Applause" emote.
 Executes the "Boop" emote.
 Executes the "Dance" emote.
 Executes the "Face-hoof" emote.
 Executes the faint animation/emote.
 Executes the "Lay Down" emote.
 Executes the "Sit" emote.
 Executes the "Sleep" emote.
 Stand back up (to end an emote).
 Executes the "Wave" emote.
/e <emote>
 Type space and then an emote name after /e to execute emote command, does not work with faint.

Social Interaction[]

 Will be used to block player but it isn't currently supported yet.
 Chat with others online, from different place/rooms. (shows in white text)
/herd_create <herdname>
 Sends a herd create request with <herdname>
 Shows information about your herd.
 To join the herd.
 To leave the herd.
/i, /invite "Player Name"
 Invites "Player Name" to your party.
 Leave the current party.
/maxchatlines <max_lines>/DEFAULT/?
 Sets the maximum messages displayed in chat. Default: 70
/pc, /playercollision
 Toggles player collision.
 Shows a list of all players in the room in chat.
/playervisible <true/false>
 Hides the player model from the player's view.
 Shows the player count in the room in chat.
 Opens report window.
/tradeoffer <itemID> <amount=[amount]>
 Offers an item with the given amount.
 Set the trade state to ready.
/w, /whisper "Player Name"
 Whispers to "Player Name". (shows in green text)


/bye, /logout
 to go back/logout to the mainmenu.
/cc, /cinemacamera <true/FALSE>/1/0
 Turn Cinema camera on/off.
  Sets an offset to the current daytime but /time has to be auto.
 No current use.
 Shows your inventory in chat.
/time <hour>/AUTO/?
<hour> set a constant time.
? shows the current time.
auto use the server-time.
/removeitem <inventorySlot>
 Removes item from the given slot. Use in case of inventory glitches.
 Teleports the player to a fixed position on the map.
 Unequips all currently worn equipment.
 Needs a description.
 Needs a description.
/wearitem <inventorySlot>
 Wear item from the given slot.


 Toggles fps and mspf in the top-middle of the screen.
 Shows a list of all commands in chat.
 Shows all available resolutions in chat.
!roll 1d<number>
 Rolls a single dice with the specified number of sides.
/setfps <number|DEFAULT>
 Sets framerate limit between 15-1000. Default: 160.
/utc (12|24|format|offset)
 Shows realtime in chat.


  • Continuous emotes like "Dance" started with a command can only be ended by using the /stand command or by activating another continuous emote (or skill) and deactivating it.
  • CinemaCamera mode(/cc) let's you move your camera view like a pegasus with an earth pony movement control.