Chestnut Spruce is an Earth Pony NPC standing outside his furniture store in the Midway Village. He is likely to be the first NPC that players will encounter in the Midway Village upon following the road from Cantermore in The Heartlands.
- "Tables, chairs, cabinets, I can do it all. And for half the prices you'd see in Cantermore, too."
- "An enterprisin’ customer of mine told me a story yesterday, about how he was laid up in the hospital for two days, after he got stung by a swarm o’ hornets down in Yorktrot. Poor sap."
"Now what made you think of stopping here, [Player Name]? Did you really think I'd have candy to just give away? Well -- I do! Just joshing you; here, have some."
"Sorry, no. You're the third pony I've had to disappoint today, [Player Name]. I'd better get more."
Player Responses[]
"Happy Hallowtide! Can I have some candy, please?"