Legends of Equestria Wiki

Chocolate; a food item and sweet snack that makes ponies move at high speeds. It's also an ingredient in some cooking recipes, such as for a Chocolate Bar (in which it's the only ingredient).

As an Ingredient[]

These foods use Chocolate in their recipe:


Learned From: (Look here for Chocolate Recipe)

Cooking Level Requirement: 10 (Basic)

Made at: MixingBowl

Crafting Time: 1 Second

Experience Gained on Success: 510 xp

Ingredients Amount
Butter Butter x1
Cocoa Bean Cocoa Bean x2
Milk Milk x1
Sugar(Item) Sugar x1
Vanilla Vanilla x1

When Used[]

The following is a list of effects given to the player when consumed:

Stat Normal Gourmet Duration (seconds)
Health +70 +84
Speed +20% +24% 120s