Legends of Equestria Wiki

Citrus Salad; a food item that is a more delicious version of the Basic Salad. It has the same effects, but better. It can be made by cooking, or bought from the NPC merchant, Maplesweet, in Ponydale for 20 bits.

As an Ingredient[]

These foods use Citrus Salad in their recipe:


Learned From: (Look here for Citrus Salad Recipe)

Cooking Level Requirement: 10 (Basic)

Made at: MixingBowl

Crafting Time: 1 Second

Experience Gained on Success: 210 xp

Ingredients Amount
BasicSalad Basic Salad x1
Orange Orange x2

When Used[]

The following is a list of effects given to the player when consumed:

Stat Normal Gourmet Duration (seconds)
Health +300 +360
Health Regen +330% +396% 10s