Cloudopolis Package Delivery is a quest that is obtained from a mare named Summer Breeze in Cloudopolis, west of the central pavilion. It is a fairly simple quest requiring only 3 interactions. The player's mission is to help deliver a single package.
Quest initiation[]
When the player initiates a chat with Summer Breeze, she will mention that she is in a terrible rush due to the nine packages that she has to deliver before break and another big one that she needs to pick up after that. The player can offer to help her, in which she will delegate the task of picking up the big package from an antique dealer to the player.
Journal: Please retrieve the package from outside the antiques store.
- Get the package.
Picking up the package[]
Traverse to the antique store in the central pavilion. To pick up the package, the player has to just simply pass through the quest marker, which will be located right inside the doorway.
Journal: I got the package. I should return to Summer Breeze
- Return to Summer Breeze.
Quest completion[]
Return to Summer Breeze with the package and she will thank the player for their help, while at the same time mentioning about the difficulty of delivering packages through Cloudopolis. The player gains 300 XP in all talents for completing the quest.
Journal: You helped Summer Breeze deliver her packages. Friendship lightens loads!