Clouds Like Clay is a Foal and Pegasus-exclusive quest where you have to gather clouds for Opal so she can make a cloud sculpture for her dad.
The quest can be started by speaking to Fire Opal at her home, which is located in Cloudopolis. East of Air Mail's post office and South of the Rainbow Water Fall.
Opal says wanted to go outside, but saw something, probably a dragon, and now doesn't want to go outside anymore. Opal asks the player for six clouds.
Journal: Fire Opal wants me to gather six clouds together to make a cload sculpture for her dad. She doesn't want to do it herself because she's scared there might be a dragon or something else. Let's get to it.
Near the quest markers, the player can find a small cloud. This cloud can be killed and drops Cloud.
After collecting six clouds, the player can give them to Fire Opal. She thanks the player and mentions that she's scared of rainbows, because of an accident that happened to her dad.
Upon completing the quest, the player will be rewarded with Goggles and 600 XP