Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Copper Ore is a resource item used for forging copper and bronze ingots via the Artisan talent.


When a Corgi or Pegasus Rock Golem is defeated, it may leave behind a loot chest containing this ore. It comes in very large amounts from the latter enemy.

It can be mined in the Gem Mines first hall and Applewood mountains or occasionally while mining clay rocks at the Athmanes Ruins in The Heartlands.


Way Out gives the player 30 copper ore for helping him out of the Crystal Caves (repeatable).

As an Ingredient

These items use Copper Ore in their recipe:


Tools DowsingCrystal Dowsing crystalBrassPickaxe Brass PickaxePickaxe (Klondike's) PickaxeNickelPickaxe Nickel PickaxeGoldPickaxe Gold PickaxeDiamondPickaxe Diamond Pickaxe
Ores Copper ore Copper OreTin ore Tin OreIron ore Iron OreAlicium ore Alicium OreElementium crystal Elementium CrystalTitanium Ore Titanium OreSpatial crystal Spatial Crystal
Materials Marbledust Marble DustFrozen Essence Drops Frozen Essence DropsCoal CoalIlmenite Ore Electrum Fragment
Gems Ruby RubyGarnet GarnetEmerald EmeraldPeridot PeridotDiamond DiamondSapphire SapphireTopaz 2 TopazCitrine CitrineAquamarine AquamarineBloodstone BloodstoneMoonstone Moonstone
Relics Broken Phoenix Front Legs Broken Phoenix Front LegsBroken Phoenix Back Legs Broken Phoenix Back LegsBroken Phoenix Chest Plate Broken Phoenix Chest PlateBroken Phoenix Back Plate Broken Phoenix Back PlateBroken Phoenix Helmet Broken Phoenix Helmet