Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Cream is a pegasus merchant NPC located next to the building supporting the slide in the northern region of Cloudopolis.


Icon Name Buy (bits) Sell (bits)
Sempai Dress Sempai Dress 200 40
Tophat Tophat 9 1
Socks back Vertical Striped Socks (Back Legs) 50 10
Socks front Vertical Striped Socks (Front Legs) 50 10
Scarf Spearmint Scarf 500 100


  • "Going from fabric to a dress is a magical process, but the magic can be done by anypony!"
  • Bonjour, what can I do for you?
  • Why yes, I made all of these myself, I am quite talented!
  • My designs are those used in the highest echelons of Cantermore!
  • I find your choice of apparel .......interesting.
  • Being fashionable is a state of mind.
  • I've worked my hooves to the pastern for all that I have.
  • Completing a dress by a deadline is always a challenge.
  • You simply must try dauphinoise potatoes, they are divine.
  • Hello, If you are here, you obviously know your fashion.


  • Cream is a word used for a variety of purposes, but mostly for a high-butterfat dairy product derived from milk and an off-white color.