Legends of Equestria Wiki

Curtain Call is an unicorn NPC who can be found in Crystal Kingdom, standing close to the stands in the Jousting Arena to the west of the castle center.


  • "My talents are not so much wasted in the moving pictures, as upon blind directors who think they know better, such as that Film Reel fellow. His period pieces are beneath my caliber anyway."
  • "The quality of character defines the stallion, not the actor, for the actor's quality is in the presentation of character, and without a great presence, what one presents is as well presented as a songstress who cannot project."
  • "What does it mean to become another pony... It means to become hopes and fears you otherwise could not have fathomed. Acting is the art of learning things about yourself which are created by the craft, yet nonetheless allow you to grow... Until another pony becomes you as well."
  • "Midnight Breeze is the only actress with whom I am blessed to share the stage, rather than being honored by my presence. If only she were not so strongly inclined to musical theatre."
  • "Anagnorisis... But of course I know this name. Has she composed a new drama? It is a shame that her talents are spent fancying among muses yet never scribed to the page."


  • Curtain call is the moment at the end of a performance when actors come back on the stage and thank the audience for applauding them for their performance.