Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

A Dandelion is a Flower that can be grown by Earth ponies via the Farming Talent. A Dandelion Seed will grow a Dandelion after two hours of growing. A Dandelion is an item given to the player from Dancer during the Chlorophiliac or Dandelion Tamer quests or by talking to Flan and asking for a dandelion in the Removing Cookies and Browsing Data quest.



Dandelions are required in two quests currently:


  • According to Flan and Maplesweet, dandelions grow all over the place. Despite this, there are no dandelions that can be picked up by the player.
  • Dandelions are any of several species of flowers of the genus taraxacum characterized by a cluster of miniature flowers that mature as seeds dispersed by "parachutes" in the air. It's usually considered a persistent weed.