Dawnfire is a unicorn NPC who can be found on a bridge on the path linking Midway Village from the Cloudopolis portal.
Dawnfire wears a full set of Brass armor.
- There's a time for work, and there's a time to relax. SOME ponies can't grasp that distinction.
- Hup-two-tree-four, hup-two-three-four, keep it up-two-three-four...
- The mess hall's actually been serving palatable food recently, even if half of it is watermelon-based. The cooks work with what they have.
- Don't worry, traveler; you'll be safe here for the night.
- You have to respect the stability of the military life. It's the same thing, day in and day out. Cold Steel and Star Chaser might want to see some action one day, but not me.
- Just cut it out, Star Chaser; ONE of us has to actually DO her job- oh, sorry, I just mistook you for SOMEPONY I know.
- Out here in the boonies, the solitude of the landscape is your ever-present neighbor. Either you befriend it, or it will drive you mad.
- I know it looks boring to just stand here and guard a bridge, but I find it a relaxing duty.
- Boot camp actually did a great job preparing me for how mind-numbingly dull service is.
- The wind is shifting again. I can feel it running through my coat. If you sit down and really pay attention, you can sense its touch.
- Occasionally, Dawnfire may spawn inside the wall of the bridge.