Legends of Equestria Wiki

Diamond Tough is an earth pony NPC who can be found just northwest of the Crystal Castle. He wears Bronze armor, complete except for the back plate.


  • "Don't start trouble, you don't get in trouble."
  • "No matter what he things, I do not hate Helping Hoof. I do, however, off the record, hate his little 'who-me?' attitude."
  • "Thank Harmony, my shift's nearly over."
  • "Nothing to report. That's always a good sign."
  • "Off the record, but my CO, Obsidian, is a bit too eager for war. It's called the Age of Harmony for a reason, and me, I like Harmony."
  • "You say 'free spirit,' I say 'punk with no sense of responsibility, who's not nearly as witty or important as you think you are, and who needs to get a life."


  • As diamond is one of the hardest substances known, the phrase "diamond tough" implies a very resolute pony.