Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

A crafting material depicted to have defensive capabilities. As such, it can be used to improve the Armor stat of crafted armor. It sells for 132 bits.


Loot from Mobs[]

It can be found as rare loot from a Corgi.

During Only Shooting Stars Break the Mold[]

During the artisan quest, 5 Emeralds must be collected by the player in the Gem Mines. Only 3 of them will be used though, leaving 2 to be used for anything desired.

Loot from Present[]

Can be obtained when a player interacts with a present during Winter.


Increasing Crafted Armor Defense[]

A pony that specializes in the artisan talent can take crafted armor and improve its armor stat for better physical protection. This action must be learned from the appropriate forging guide. The resulting armor may be referred to as 'fortified' or 'reinforced'.

Making Armor Harmonies[]

Armor Harmonies require Emeralds to craft.

Tools DowsingCrystal Dowsing crystalBrassPickaxe Brass PickaxePickaxe (Klondike's) PickaxeNickelPickaxe Nickel PickaxeGoldPickaxe Gold PickaxeDiamondPickaxe Diamond Pickaxe
Ores Copper ore Copper OreTin ore Tin OreIron ore Iron OreAlicium ore Alicium OreElementium crystal Elementium CrystalTitanium Ore Titanium OreSpatial crystal Spatial Crystal
Materials Marbledust Marble DustFrozen Essence Drops Frozen Essence DropsCoal CoalIlmenite Ore Electrum Fragment
Gems Ruby RubyGarnet GarnetEmerald EmeraldPeridot PeridotDiamond DiamondSapphire SapphireTopaz 2 TopazCitrine CitrineAquamarine AquamarineBloodstone BloodstoneMoonstone Moonstone
Relics Broken Phoenix Front Legs Broken Phoenix Front LegsBroken Phoenix Back Legs Broken Phoenix Back LegsBroken Phoenix Chest Plate Broken Phoenix Chest PlateBroken Phoenix Back Plate Broken Phoenix Back PlateBroken Phoenix Helmet Broken Phoenix Helmet