Legends of Equestria Wiki

Energy is a statistic in Legends of Equestria that only players have. It represents the player's remaining capacity to perform skills. At level 1, unicorns and pegasi start with 55 energy, while earth ponies start with 105 energy.

Using skills[]


Magical Arrow, a skill that requires Energy to be performed.

Players can perform a variety of skills in the game, most of which involve consuming energy. Using more powerful skills tends to require more energy. Once the player reaches 0 energy, they cannot perform any skills, and must recover sufficient energy to do so.

List of skills that require energy[]

Universal Icon Name Energy cost
Other GroundPoundIcon Ground Pound 15
BubbleBarrage Bubble Barrage 15
Combat SeismicBuckIcon Seismic Buck 35
Jeering ShoutIcon Jeering Shout 35
SeismicBuckIcon Stored Strike 5/s for 10 sec
AdrenalineSurgeIcon Adrenaline Surge 15
Medical Transfusionicon Transfusion 35
Resusicon Resuscitation 80
Triageicon Triage 65
Auraicon Regenerative Aura 30
Partying PillowBarrage Pillow Barrage 40
CandyShower Candy Shower 50
SugarCrash Sugar Crash 40
SeismicBuckIcon Change of Heart 30
Unicorn TeleportIcon Teleport 1-100
RainbowFieldsIcon Poseys and Prickleys 20
SeismicBuckIcon Sphere of Protection 35
MagicalArrowIcon Hypnosis 50
MagicalArrowIcon Magical Arrow 70
Pegasus SeismicBuckIcon Airstep 50
DualCycloneIcon Cyclone 30
SeismicBuckIcon Wind Rapier 15
SeismicBuckIcon Blowback 30
Earth pony FriendsForever Friends Forever 35
SeismicBuckIcon Guidance 35
RainbowFieldsIcon Home Field Advantage 40

Recovering energy[]

Unicorns and pegasi naturally gain about 5.7 energy per second without modifiers, while Earth ponies gain (to be added) energy per second. At level 1, this translates to about roughly 10 seconds for a player with 0 energy to regain all their energy. Certain types of equipment can increase the energy regeneration of a player.

The formula for how much energy per second you gain from the energy regen stat is: 83.5 * energyregenstat / (165 + energyregenstat)
