Legends of Equestria Wiki

Fillibuster is a Pegasus NPC who can be found inside the Crystal Castle near Visa's office.


  • "Ah to be a guard... strict schedules, always a place to be, back and fourth through the palace without ever having to deliver a proposal, bill, or motion. Just walking back and fourth on schedule.That's a motion I can get behind on days like this."
  • "If only the governance of the Crystal Kingdom could be as clear as the actual crystal."
  • "Vote yes on 42... or was that 24? Vote no on ~~ Wait... is 24 even a yes/no prop? These propositions need names. Vote yes on the proposition that names propositions. Wait what do you mean you don't live in this city? why are you asking me about propositions?
  • "You know, nopony in the City Council even councils anyone. We are actually the ones that have to listen, and act on the concerns of the counsel of our consultants."
  • "Yeah, Paper Trail and I are good friends. What do you mean what do we talk about? We don't have time to talk... why do you think we get along so well? Wait, that came out wrong. You know, maybe it would make more sense in writing... oh gee... writing! Paper! Paper Trail! I have a whole stack of forms to validate for him. I can't really talk right now. My friend is waiting on me!"
  • "So I am a chamberlain, and a judge is an officer of the court, but a judge spends their time in a court chamber and I spend mine in an office. Government is confusing."
  • "Are you here to deliver the update on proposition 73? Or is this about Fair Game's motion for local curfews? What's a locaitional curfew anyway? If you're not here for that then, what do you need to pick up some forms? If you're not here to drop off or pick up, then why are you even here? These reports need to change hands, everything is already pilling up, and all the wrong stuff... Why don't you have any paper!?