Legends of Equestria Wiki

Final Ink is a pegasus merchant NPC librarian at the Cantermore Library. She is located outside the library between Cantermore Central Square and Cantermore University. She plays in integral role in several quests, and sells books to the player.


Name Buy (bits)
Equestria: A History - Volume 2 150
Field Trip Report: Dryads of the Heartlands 5
Gryphon Kingdoms: A Note on Gryphus and Its People 5
Professor T. Umble's Brief Guide to Telekinesis 60
Romance and Juniper, Scene II 5
Settlers of Applewood 25
The Adventures of Sky Breeze: Night Light 10
The City Under the Stars 45
The Guardspony's Illuminating Primer, Vol. 1 15
The Great Cantermore Hay Riots: An Unbiased Analysis 65
Black Flag 500


  • "Sigh"
  • "Cough"
  • "Yesss?"
  • "If you’re here to make a complaint, get in line."
  • "Oh, wonderful, more ponies stomping through here. I’m going to need more aspirin."
  • "I’m ever so happy to see you. See this? This is my happy face."
  • "You’re looking for books? Oh, we don’t have any of those here. We just call ourselves a library for giggles."
  • "Ah… it’s so easy to lose yourself in a good book. I wish I could live in a fantasy world..."
  • "Juuuust hold on a moment. I’m just getting to the good part of this book."
  • "Ugh... Whaaat can I do for you todaaay?"
  • "I know it’s tempting, but don’t eat pages out the books. Please. You just look like the type."
  • "The books are over there. I don’t know why you’re talking to me, I’m not a book. You did know that, right? That I’m not a book?"
  • "It’s a funny thing. Closing time comes around, people stop bothering me, and magically my headache goes away. What do you suppose that means?"