Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Flying is a pegasus-exclusive talent which grants players a selection of medium-ranged combat skills, alongside evasive maneuvers to dodge attacks. Progressing in the talent gradually improves players' flight speed while reducing the energy cost over time.

Gaining experience[]

Experience can be obtained for Flying by using Flying-related skills to defeat mobs during combat.

Most quests also award experience in all talents upon completion, allowing players to advance in Flying alongside other talents.


Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
AirstepIcon Airstep 10 500 "Releases a burst of speed which increases your dodge, and leaves you invulnerable for a short time"
Upgrades available: Lightning Reflexes, Evasive Maneuvres
SeismicBuckIcon Wind Rapier 1 500 "You unleash stored wind power from your wings to create dangerous blades of wind"
Upgrades available: Wind Fencing, Wind Dervish
SeismicBuckIcon Blowback 1 20 "You can send forth a targeted blast of wind to knock back or even slow down your enemies while moving. The faster you move the more area your attack covers, but the lack of focused energy slows your opponents less"
Upgrades available: Wind Dispersal, Damage Per Tick, Wind Density
DualCycloneIcon Cyclone 1 20 "You unleash a small but powerful cyclone damaging your enemies"
Upgrades available: Tornado Alley, Wingstorm

Talent mastery[]

The maximum level that can be achieved in Flying is 50.

Cutie chef hat Cooking Cutie axe1 Mining Cutie green cross Medical Cutie party hat2 Partying
Flip music note2 Music Cutie quill1 Writing Cutie corn Farming Cutie paw1 Animal Care
Cutie silver wing Flying Cutie cloud1 Weather Cutie magic3 Magic Cutie tubes1 Science
Cutie bits Economic Cutie hammer1 Artisan Cutie rose1 Fashion Cutie sword1 Combat