Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Going For Baroque is a quest given by Primrose Primp in The Frontier. She mistakes player for delivery pony, after trying to tell her that you are not, she offers player quest to deliver her some gems and pies.

Delivery pony[]

Journal: Looks like I get to be delivery pony. I need to get the following: 6 Rubies from Dashing Delano in Cantermore, 3 Gems from Relic de Falco in Cloudopolis, and 12 Banoffee pies from Silver Platter in Ponydale's Sugar Cane Corner.

  • Retrieve 3 Gems from Relic de Falco
  • Obtain 6 Rubies from Dashing Delano
  • Purchase 12 Banoffee Pies from Silver Platter


Primrose Primp thanks for your effort and gives player a tip of 7,777 bits. The cost of all the items totals 6,150 bits, so if the player did not have any of the items already, the reward gain is only equivalent to 1,627 bits.

Journal: Primrose was a little bossy and her requests were a little odd, but at least she rewarded me for carrying out some delivery duties on the side.
