Golden Gauntlet is an earth pony NPC located in plain sight at the Crystal Kingdom Armorer. She is an armorsmith, who also forges all the armor for the guards in the Crystal Kingdom.
- "A guard told me that he was shot in the chest by an arrow. My armor stopped it right in its tracks. That's how I know I'm doing a good job."
- "You look like you could use a set of armor."
- "Yep, I'm the one that makes the Crystal Guards' armor sets. Do you like them?"
- "You should get something here if you're going out to the Evershade Woods. I don't know why ponies still go there, but my business went up after rumors went out that it has treasure."
- "Please don't say I have a heart of gold. I know it's a cute pun, but I've heart it a million times."
- "Why would I want this job? Why wouldn't I?"
- "There, just finished the last set for the Crystal Guards! Don't tell anypony this, but I'm already working on the next version.