Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

This is a list of the locations of currently known ingredients for the Cooking talent.

Name Dropped By Mob Level Drop Chance Sold By Location On use Effect
Almond Birch Dryad 30 High Evershade 30HP (HP Regen x 2) 10 Seconds
Almond Birch 35 High Evershade 30HP (HP Regen x 2) 10 Seconds
Green Apple Apple Dryad 6 High Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Yellow Apple Apple Dryad 6 Low Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Yellow Apple Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards 50HP (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Pear Bluebell Cantermore (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Red Apple Apple Dryad 6 Medium Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Red Apple Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards 50HP (HP Regen x 3, Energy Regen x 1.2) 6 seconds
Banana Birch Dryad 8 Low Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Banana Birch Dryad 10 Low Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Banana Birch Dryad 14 Low Heartlands 50HP (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Banana Birch 35 High Evershade 50HP (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Banana Birch 45 Low Evershade 50HP (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Celery Stalk Bluebell Cantermore (HP Regen x 3) 6 seconds
Daisy Birch Dryad 8 High Heartlands 20HP (HP Regen x 2) 6 Seconds
Daisy Birch Dryad 10 High Heartlands 20HP (HP Regen x 2) 6 Seconds
Daisy Birch Dryad 22 High Heartlands 20HP (HP Regen x 2) 6 Seconds
Daisy Hornet 8 High Heartlands 20HP (HP Regen x 2) 6 Seconds
Daisy Hornet 28 High Evershade 20HP (HP Regen x 2) 6 Seconds
Grapes Naiad 22 Low Heartlands
Lettuce Naiad 22 Medium Heartlands
Lettuce Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards
Carrot Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards
Milk Naiad 22 Low Heartlands
Egg Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards
Egg Naiad 10 Low Heartlands
Onion Birch Dryad 8 High Heartlands (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Onion Birch Dryad 22 High Heartlands (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Onion Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards (HP Regen x 3) 6 Seconds
Wheat Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards 30HP +100% HP Regen (10 Seconds)
Wheat Living Bush 5 High Heartlands 30HP +100% HP Regen (10 Seconds)
Hay Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards 30HP +100% HP Regen (10 Seconds)
Hay Living Bush 3 High Heartlands 30HP +100% HP Regen (10 Seconds)
Orange Naiad 22 Low Heartlands
Potato Birch Dryad 8 Low Heartlands
Potato Birch Dryad 22 Low Heartlands
Potato Birch Dryad 10 High Heartlands
Potato Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards
Sugar Grassy Fields Sweet Apple Orchards 10HP +15% Speed (30 Seconds)
Sugar Silver Platter Sugarcane Corner 10HP +15% Speed (30 Seconds)
Sugar Hornet 3 Medium Evershade 10HP +15% Speed (30 Seconds)
Salt Pegasus Golem 45 High Evershade 20HP (Energy Regen Drain x 1.25) 2 Seconds, (HP Regen x 2) 6 seconds
Salt Naiad 5 High Heartlands 20HP (Energy Regen Drain x 1.25) 2 Seconds, (HP Regen x 2) 6 seconds
Salt Naiad 10 High Heartlands 20HP (Energy Regen Drain x 1.25) 2 Seconds, (HP Regen x 2) 6 seconds
Salt Naiad 22 Medium Heartlands 20HP (Energy Regen Drain x 1.25) 2 Seconds, (HP Regen x 2) 6 seconds
Tomato Naiad 22 Medium Heartlands
Tomato Naiad 10 Low Heartlands
Vanilla Birch Dryad 10 Low Heartlands
Water Naiad 22 Low Heartlands
Water Naiad 10 Medium Heartlands
Cocoa Bean Birch 35 Medium Evershade 20HP +10% Speed (30 Seconds)
Mint Leaf Birch 35 Medium Evershade 20HP
Mint Leaf Dragon 50 High Evershade 20HP
Cookie Dough Silver Platter Sugarcane Corner 100HP +20% Speed (120 Seconds)