Legends of Equestria Wiki

Inspector Sand Spade is a shop NPC from Dig Site Dungeon located in The Heartlands that trades a variety of items in return for auralum billets.


Icon Name Buy (Billets)
Magical catalyst 1 Magical Catalyst 1
Coal 12 Coal 2
Iron ore 24 Iron Ore 2
Geode(Item) 1 Geode 4
Garnet 1 Garnet 6
Warding Potion 1 Warding Potion 6
Toughness Potion 1 Toughness Potion 6
Sapphire 1 Sapphire 7
Topaz 2 1 Topaz 8
Diamond 1 Diamond 9
Energy Materia 120 Energy Materia 14
Battlemage Potion 1 Battlemage Potion 14
Warrior Potion 1 Warrior Potion 14
SandalsOfSwiftness Sandals of Swiftness 42
LanternOfHarmony Lantern of Harmony 42
Athamaneian Laurel Wreath Athmaneian Laurel Wreath 42

Book of Asclopius cannot be traded at Inspector Sand Stone, but it can be randomly earned from Alabaster in exchange for a number of auralum billets.

Sand Stone has an initial dialogue when new players first talk to him, but upon selecting the Talk option he will instead redirect you to his shop.
