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Invested Interest is a quest given by Wanda Percent who can be found near the The Boutique in Ponydale. The quest is about delivering letters for Wanda and doing exactly what she says about each letter when delivering it.

Quest initiation[]

Wanda tells the player that she has a couple letters to deliver, but she still has business to discuss with Vogue. She asks if the player can help.

These letters involve some business opportunity, so the player must do a decent job representing Wanda. Everything is in the letters, so if the player forgets something, it isn't the end of the world, but it would help presenting the information up front.

Wanda gives the player one hour to deliver them all. The player is asked to not deliver any letters after the 1 hour over, as it would throw off her business books.

Journal: Wanda Percent asked me to present these letters to some ponies around Equestria in an hour. The names are on the envelopes, but the address is just the name of the city.

  • Deliver the letters in under 1 hour
  • Deliver the letter to Spud in Sweet Apple Orchard.
  • Deliver the letter to Scribble in Cantermore.
  • Deliver the letter to Fire Opal in Cloudopolis.
  • Deliver the letter to Midnight Breeze in Ponydale.
  • Deliver the letter to Mercury in Ponydale.

Delivering the letters[]

The player must find each of the ponies and deliver the letters.

Information needed when delivering the letters:

Fire Opal: A letter to tell her that Wanda is interested in Opal's art. Wanda is available to provide business advice and financing. Wanda is thinking of starting up a grant program for budding artists and would like to know if Opal is willing to donate. The player should ask Opal. (not covered in the letter)

"Somepony in Cantermore" (Scribble): Wanda is willing to loan money if Scribble needs an advance for his next novel.

Spudnickus Von Winklehammer, Esq.: "He'll know what it's about. Just tell him it's from me and don't get into too many details about what it is, okay?" (letter is: quarterly earnings report)

Midnight Breeze: Donation for the Painted Ponies Stage. Do NOT tell her who it is from (the only condition).

Mercury: An invitation to coffee. She seemed especially frazzled lately and their little therapy sessions over coffee seem to smooth out that tension. They are overdue for their usual get-together anyway. Wanda doesn't mind doing this one herself.

Quest completion[]

Wanda pays the player for their efforts and the player has the option to mention that they told Opal about the donation to the artist grant.

Journal: Wanda said she might have more delivery work for me. The pay is fair, so if I have time, I should come back to her.

  • Deliver the letter to Spud in Sweet Apple Orchard.
  • Deliver the letter to Scribble in Cantermore.
  • Return to Wanda.
  • Mention to Fire Opal about donating to an artist grant.
  • Deliver the letter to Fire Opal without being a terrible friend.
  • Deliver the letter to Fire Opal without making her mad.
  • Deliver the letter to Fire Opal in Cloudopolis.
  • Deliver the letter to Midnight Breeze in Ponydale.
  • Let Mercury know you have a letter for her.
  • Deliver the letter to Mercury in Ponydale.


  • On release, Midnight Breeze didn't have an option for this quest, making the full completion of this quest impossible.
  • There is currently a bug that causes the player to get a lot of xp and bits about 1-2 hours after starting the quest, even if the quest was already completed.