Legends of Equestria Wiki

Iron Gauntlet is an earth pony NPC who can be found standing outside of the meeting room in Crystal Castle. Despite his name suggesting he's wearing iron boots, he's actually wearing Nickel Front Legs and Nickel Back Legs.


  • "Gryphons... now there you will find a truly strong and regal people."
  • "Obsidian puts on airs that he dislikes my tutelage, but that is only to keep him from looking soft."
  • "Talking is for the diplomats. I have real work to do."
  • "Equestrian soldiers... even after years of service, they are still left soft. Give me the ice-blasted, cold-hardened coats of Crystal Ponies any day."
  • "In my day, Ponies knew when to fight, when to stand firm, and most importantly, when not to talk it out at a diplomatic tea party."
  • "Equestria has no business sending their own patrols; my protege is more than competent to command our own military."
  • "The Changeling War? Heh. Dragons... there's a warrior's foe."
  • "Save the silver tongue for licking the silver spoon. If you want your enemies to respect you, throw down the iron gauntlet."
  • "Do not let these soft politicians tell you otherwise, this palace is a fortification... a show of strenght."
  • "A uniform is no uniform until you strap on a side-arm. Do you even do that, young mare/stallion/filly/colt?"