Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Jasper is an Earth Pony merchant NPC located in the Crystal Library in the Crystal Kingdom. He sells books to the player.


Name Buy (bits)
Equestria: A History - Volume 1 150
Matching Truth and Fiction: The Legend of the Great Cloothoo 35
Professor T. Umble's Brief Guide to Rolling 60
Sand to Stardom 15
The Crystal Conference 50
The Life and Times of Burnt Steak, Vol. 1: New Things 10
What Lies Beneath 20


  • "I'm sorry, I'll be with you in just a moment!"
  • "If you could just give me a moment, I just need to re-shelve these books."
  • "Ah! P-pardon me, I hadn't noticed you there."
  • "Um, welcome to the library. Please, uh, enjoy your stay."
  • "Oh, sorry, did you need something?"
  • "If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to let me know!"
  • "You know, there are rhymes about secret caverns under here. I remember parts of a story I heard as a foal about two points of the snowflake and a book. Something about three ponies at once. There's an odd purple book near the snowflake design that I've never been able to reshelve..."
  • "Hello there! Need anything?"
  • "If you are looking for the librarian, I'm afraid I am the only assistant librarian here. Perhaps you should check the front."
  • "Uh.... er.... hello? Can I help you?"
  • "There you are! Did you bring that book on-... oh dear, my mistake. I thought it was someone else."


