Jinn's Juice is a quest given by Jinn Aquarius who can be found at the waterfall tree in Ponydale. The quest is repeatable, receiving the Health Potion quest reward each time on repeat.
Quest initiation[]
The player can request Jinn Aquarius to make them a Health Potion when talking to him. If they do so, Jinn Aquarius will task them to collect five mushrooms, four rubies ground into dust and three lumps of sugar in order to make the potion as he is short of supplies.
Journal: I have to gather the ingredients for Jinn to make his potion. I need rubies ground into dust, mushrooms, and sugar
- Gather the ingredients
Gathering the ingredients[]
As mentioned by Jinn, the player has to gather five mushrooms, four portions of ruby dust as well as three lumps of sugar:
- Mushrooms can be found near the split path leading from the Evershade Forest exit portal.
- Ruby dust can be collected from the Gem Mines or by asking Klondike Hicks to grind rubies.
- Sugar can either be purchased from Silver Platter and/or Grassy Fields for 2 Bits each or obtained as loot from defeating Apple Dryads and/or Hornets.
After acquiring the items, bring them to Jinn. The player is also required to have 100 bits as payment.
Journal: I've gathered the ingredients and now I have to wait for Jinn to make his potion
- Wait for Jinn to make the potion
Quest completion[]
Jinn asks the player to wait for him while he makes the potion. After waiting about a minute, the quest journal will indicate that the potion should be ready, and the player can then talk to Jinn again to collect the Health Potion.
Journal: Some time has passed and I think the potion is ready
- The potion should be done
After collecting the Health Potion:
If I need another potion, I could ask Jinn to make another one
- Ask Jinn again if another potion is needed
- Jinn mentions that the player can obtain ruby dust by asking Klondike to grind rubies.
- While it was the only way to obtain ruby dust prior to Open Access Release V. 2018.08.01, the player can currently obtain the item from the grounds of the Gem Mines, which is a more ideal way to gather them due to the rareness of rubies since the update.
- An alternate way to get the potion is to enter and exit a building before talking to Jinn again, as waiting will usually take a while.
- The player can repeat the quest as many times as desired.