John Mane is a male earth pony found inside the saloon in Applewood.
Possible dialogues:
- How ya doing, pardner?
- Whoa! Don't sneak up on me pardner. Ya coulda wound up with a black eye.
- Yeeehaawww, that's some darn good cider!
- Mighty hot out there today, eh, pardner?
- Nothing like a good old fashioned duel at sundown, is there, pilgrim?
- Psssst, how many actors are they bringing onto the cast?
- Howdy, pilgrim.
- How about you and I go wrassle up some banditos?
- I could sure go for some old fashioned cider, pilgrim.
- Just taking a break from herding.
"Well howdy, [Player Name]! That costume's makin' you look all fine and scary! A rustlin' in my boots that you're stirring up, that's for sure. Take this candy and go on your way, pilgrim."
"Ah well, don't that just kick the bucket. Sorry [Player Name], but the candy's as dry as a well. You'll have to come back some other time and run the numbers."
Player Responses[]
- "Happy Hallowtide! Can I have some candy, please?"