Legends of Equestria Wiki

Living Bush

The Living Bush is a small bush-like mob encountered in the Heartlands, Bramble Woods, and Evershade Forest. They pose a little to no threat by themselves but they make up for this with sheer numbers. Upon defeating them, you'll sometimes pick up Living Branches.

Loot Table[]

At lvl Icon Item Probability Sell-Value (bits)
2+ Hay Hay common 0
2+ Wheat Wheat common 0
2 Guide Copper Front Legs Forging Manual common 0
2 Guide Copper Helmet Forging Manual common 0
2 Guide Copper Chest Plate Forging Manual common 0
2 Manual Ingot Copper Ingot Forging Manual common 0
15+ LivingBranches Living Branches Unknown Cannot Sell


Lv 23 (Bramble Woods)
Icon Item Probability Value (bits)
Cutie bits Bits Common 2-4
Ruby 1-2 Ruby Uncommon 7
Banana 1-2 Banana Rare 3
LivingBranches Living Branches Rare Cannot Sell
PrismaticCrystalShard Prismatic Crystal Shard Very Rare 120


  • One drop item used to be called 'Twigs' before it was renamed to 'Living Branches'

Apple DryadBirch DryadForest DryadBunnyNaiad


Blue HornetBookwyrmCockatriceCorgiCrystal BatDalmatian Diamond DogHaeteaHornetHusky Diamond DogKarkadannLantern MonsterLiving BushManticoreRocSandbearer BatTimberwolf


Crystal GolemDragonPegasus Rock GolemFrost Dragon
