Legends of Equestria Wiki

Micro Transaction is a pegasus foal NPC found near a wooden shop in Cantermore. Speaking to her allows the player to do the quest Are You A Princess Too?

Note: Micro Transaction isn't available until you finish the quest The First Day In Our Pony Lives, however one may acquire the items such as Fins via trading from another player.


Icon Name Buy (bits) Sell (bits)
Green Apple Green Apple 4 1
Brass Helmet Brass Helmet 75 15
Brass Chest Plate Brass Chest Plate 100 20
Brass Front Legs Brass Front Legs 50 10
Brass Back Legs Brass Back Legs 50 10
Mixing Spoon Mixing Spoon 2 0
Whipped Cream Pie Whipped Cream Pie 22 4
Wooden Sword Wooden Sword 5 1
Smooth Rock Smooth Rock 1 0
Mountain Flower Mountain Flower 1 0
Socks front Socks 50 10
Frying Pan Frying Pan 5 1
Linen Scrap Linen Scrap 2 0
Book Spring Showers: A Foal's Book 1 0
Potato Potato 3 0
Onion Onion 2 0
Apple Juice Apple Juice 10 2
Empty Pie Tin Pot 100 20
Mango Mango 20 4
Fins 50 10


  • Her name is a reference to various practices of microtransactions in videogames, where customers can buy virtual goods, often with benefits and advantages with micropayment, aka real money. These microtransactions can be deceptive, aggressive and other ways to trick the consumer into using it's service.