Legends of Equestria Wiki

Naiads are neutral mobs found in Legends of Equestria.


Naiads are deer-like creatures, sharing a similar build and appearance like Forest Dryad and Apple Dryad. Their eyes are pure Teal, and their coats are mix of brown and bluish-purple colour. They have wings, and purplish kite styled leaf tail.


They can be found walking around in The Heartlands and Bramble Woods, usually near bodies of water. Besides that, a single one is roaming right outside the city of the Crystal Kingdom and another one is in the Evershade Forest across the river from the portal to the 'Midnight' instance


These mobs attack with water burst with their antlers.

Loot Table[]

At lvl Icon Item Probability Sell-Value (bits)
45,50 Cherries Cherry moderate 2
22-50 Grapes Grapes moderate 3
5-50 Lettuce Lettuce moderate 1
5-50 Salt Salt common 1
5-50 Tomato Tomato moderate 1
5-50 Water Water common 8
22-50 Orange Orange moderate 1
45[1] Coffee Bean Coffee Bean common 8
5-50 Vapor Materia Vapor Materia uncommon 1
45 Enchanted Ice Skates Enchanted Ice Skates rare (season) 300
45[1] Moonlight Chest Plate Moonlight Chest Plate moderate 10200
45[1] Moonlight Helmet Moonlight Helmet moderate 13200
45[1] Moonlight Back Legs Moonlight Back Legs moderate 5400
45[1] Moonlight Front Legs Moonlight Front Legs moderate 5400
45[1] Moonlight Back Plate Moonlight Back Plate moderate 17600
5,10 Upgrade Copper Front Legs (Emerald) rare 1
5,10 Upgrade Copper Helmet Upgrade (Emerald) rare 1
5,10 Upgrade Copper Chest Plate Upgrade (Emerald) rare 1
10 Upgrade Bronze Back Plate Upgrade (Emerald) rare 2
10 Upgrade Bronze Chest Plate Upgrade (Emerald) rare 2
10 Upgrade Bronze Helmet Upgrade (Emerald) rare 2
22-50 Upgrade Iron Helmet Upgrade (Emerald) rare 4
22-50 Upgrade Steel Chest Plate Upgrade (Emerald) rare 9
22-50 Upgrade Steel Front Legs Upgrade (Emerald) rare 9
22-50 Upgrade Steel Helmet Upgrade (Emerald) rare 9
22-50 Upgrade Steel Back Legs Upgrade (Emerald) rare 9

The Enchanted Ice Skates is only obtainable in the winter season from the Naiads in The Heartlands located NW from Cantermore's portal on a black rock inside the river. The Moonlight armor is only obtainable from the Naiad inside Evershade Forest.


  • The Naiads were nymphs in classical mythology living in and giving life to lakes, rivers, springs, and fountains.

Apple DryadBirch DryadForest DryadBunnyNaiad


Blue HornetBookwyrmCockatriceCorgiCrystal BatDalmatian Diamond DogHaeteaHornetHusky Diamond DogKarkadannLantern MonsterLiving BushManticoreRocSandbearer BatTimberwolf


Crystal GolemDragonPegasus Rock GolemFrost Dragon

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Only the Naiad in the Evershade