Legends of Equestria Wiki

Nickel armor is the second-tier armor available to players. All pieces require a combat level of 10 to be equipped. The armor is sold by the NPC merchants Bluebell, Buttercup, Free Trade, Rear Echelon, Sales Pitch, and Silky Roads.

Iron Armor

A player wearing a full set of Nickel armor

Icon Name Level Armor Attack Dodge Magic Resist Cost (bits)
Nickel Helmet Nickel Helmet 10 13 0 2 3 400
Nickel Chest Plate Nickel Chest Plate 10 12 0 2 3 400
Nickel Back Plate Nickel Back Plate 10 18 0 4 5 600
Nickel Front Legs Nickel Front Legs 10 8 18 1 2 350
Nickel Back Legs Nickel Back Legs 10 8 17 1 10 350
Total 59 35 10 23 2100


  • Nickel armor offers 4 times the armor rating and It does not give health.
  • Nickel armor was once known as Iron armor. This was changed between v2018.03.02 and v2018.08.01.