Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Paper Trail is a unicorn NPC located behind the front desk of the Crystal Castle in the Crystal Kingdom. His dialogue implies that he is the castle's receptionist.


  • "Welcome to the Crystal Kingdom. Go to the other offices for further assistance. Every single office, preferably."
  • "I'm not good for small talk right now."
  • "Achieving a good work-life balance is import [sic] for one's mana. I find that if I work too much I end up with little-to-no magic."
  • "Let's see. Every file is in place, all the meetings are scheduled, and the castle isn't on fire today. It has been a good day so far."
  • "Five documents filed this morning. I'm off to a decent start."
  • "One time I found a mysterious door behind some cabinets. I left untouched and put the cabinets back. Seriously, who would want to go into one of those?"
  • "More paperwork this week. No problem, I'll cut my sleep by a couple of hours each day. Nothing new."
  • "...You know, I could really use a day off. I'll use it to catch up on filing."
  • "Have you ever had so much work that you thought it would never end? That every day, hour by hour, moment by moment you would be consumed and broken by your tasks? Me neither."