Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Partying is a talent which primarily focuses on applying status effects on targets.

Gaining experience[]

Partying experience can be gained by using related skills on a mob before defeating them while in combat.

Outside of combat, quests can also award experience to Partying alongside other talents upon completion.


While not affecting mobs' health directly, most Partying skills allow players to gain an edge over mobs by applying debuffs, as well as keeping their tension balanced easily.

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
PillowBarrage Pillow Barrage 1 20 "You pummel your opponents with pillows, but somehow it calms them down. But I mean really, who can be mad in a pillowfight?"
Upgrades available: Seeing Stars, King of the Pillow Fort, Put the Can’t in Incantation
CandyShower Candy Shower 1 20 "You rain down candy upon your opponent, distracting and disorienting them"
Upgrade available: Sugar Rush, Candy Overload
SugarCrash Sugar Crash 1 500 "Your Party Powers are able to drive ponies to Sugar Crashes with too much candy, pacifying them against giving you any trouble about it"
Upgrades available: Sugar Stun, Party Pooper
SeismicBuckIcon Change of Heart 1 500 "Get your opponents to loosen up. Calm down the angry ones, and energize the timid ones"
Upgrade available: Life of the Party

Talent mastery[]

The maximum level that players can reach in Partying is 50.

Cutie chef hat Cooking Cutie axe1 Mining Cutie green cross Medical Cutie party hat2 Partying
Flip music note2 Music Cutie quill1 Writing Cutie corn Farming Cutie paw1 Animal Care
Cutie silver wing Flying Cutie cloud1 Weather Cutie magic3 Magic Cutie tubes1 Science
Cutie bits Economic Cutie hammer1 Artisan Cutie rose1 Fashion Cutie sword1 Combat