Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

A Pegasus flying in Cloudopolis.

A pegasus is one of three playable races in Legends of Equestria, whose most notable trait is the ability to fly. Pegasus players start off with 350 health and 55 energy.

The starting town for pegasi is Cloudopolis.

In-game description[]

"As a pegasus, you will move and attack faster. You will be able to avoid enemy attacks more easily and fly. The pegasus will learn a variety of aerial tricks and maneuvers for navigating the skies, and the extra speed will allow for many short, rapid attacks against your foes."


Pegasi are the only race that are able to fly, giving them an advantage when traversing difficult terrain such as cliffs and rivers. Their ability to take flight also allows them to evade attacks from ground mobs if they are quick enough. While in flight, pegasi can do barrel rolls, which may be useful for dodging mob attacks. Most abilities can only be done on the ground and not while in flight.

PegasusIcon Base Talent []

Skills under the Base Talent are unlocked immediately, and award XP to all talents.

Icon Name Energy cost Damage dealt Tension Range Cooldown Description & Notes
GroundPoundIcon Ground Pound 15 140 +35 2 1.5 "Pony smash!"
This skill awards XP to Combat.
GroundPoundIcon Bubble Barrage 15 160 -35 2 1.5 "Pony smash!"
This skill awards XP to Combat.

Cutie silver wing Flying[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
SeismicBuckIcon Airstep 1 500 "Releases a burst of speed with dodges, and leaves you invulnerable for a short distance"
Upgrades available: Lightning Reflexes, Evasive Maneuvres, Air Sprint
SeismicBuckIcon Blowback 1 20 "You can send forth a targeted blast of wind to knock back or even slow down your enemies while moving. The faster you move the more area your attack covers, but the lack of focused energy slows your opponents less"
Upgrades available: Wind Dispersal, Damage Per Tick, Wind Density
DualCycloneIcon Cyclone 1 20 "You unleash a small but powerful cyclone damaging your enemies"
Upgrades available: Tornado Alley, Wingstorm
SeismicBuckIcon Wind Rapier 1 500 "You unleash stored wind power from your wings to create dangerous blades of wind"
Upgrades available: Wind Fencing, Wind Dervish

Cutie green cross Medical []

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
Resusicon Resuscitation 1 500 "You can revive your friends to fight longer or at least let them get away"
Upgrades available: Field Medic, Invigoration
Transfusionicon Transfusion 1 500 "Your aura of healing powers drains vitality from your foes, and strengthens your allies at their expense"
Upgrades available: Expanded Transfusion, Mass Transfusion, Enhanced Transfusion
Auraicon Regenerative Aura 1 20 "You activate a healing aura which reinvigorates you and your allies"
Upgrades available: Just a Scratch, A Lot of Scratches
Triageicon Triage 1 500 "You are adept at recognizing injuries and responding promptly"
Upgrades available: Ranged Healing, Trauma Team, Code Blue

Cutie party hat2 Partying[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
SeismicBuckIcon Change of Heart 1 500 "Get your opponents to loosen up. Calm down the angry ones, and energize the timid ones"
Upgrade available: Life of the Party
SeismicBuckIcon Sugar Crash 1 500 "Your Party Powers are able to drive ponies to Sugar Crashes with too much candy, pacifying them against giving you any trouble about it"
Upgrades available: Sugar Stun, Party Pooper
MagicalArrowIcon Pillow Barrage 1 20 "You pummel your opponents with pillows, but somehow it calms them down. But I mean really, who can be mad in a pillowfight?"
Upgrades available: Seeing Stars, King of the Pillow Fort, Put the Can’t in Incantation
RoughTerrainIcon Candy Shower 1 20 "You rain down candy upon your opponent, distracting and disorienting them"
Upgrade available: Candy Overload

Cutie sword1 Combat[]

Icon Name Level TP cost Description & Notes
SeismicBuckIcon Seismic Buck 1 20 "Hit the opponent nearest to you with an earth-shattering kick, sending out a shockwave which can disorient nearby opponents"
Upgrades available: Shockwave, Aftershock
SeismicBuckIcon Adrenaline Surge 1 500 "Your attacks build a surge of adrenaline which you can unleash suddenly to damage and disorient your opponents"
Upgrades available: Stunning Blow, Rumble, Short Fuse
SeismicBuckIcon Jeering Shout 1 500 "Taunt a specific opponent to draw his attention away from your allies"
Upgrades available: Get 'em Angry, Verbal Jousting

Flying Controls[]

As pegasi, players can take to the air, as well as perform aerial maneuvers.

  • Take flight: Press the spacebar while in the air
  • Descend: Hold the control key
  • Fly faster: Double tap and hold W
  • Slow flight: Hold Shift and W
  • Barrel rolls: Q (left), E (right)
  • Dynamic flight direction: Right click and drag while pressing W

Advantages and Disadvantages[]


  • Ability to fly
  • Higher dodging ability
  • Quicker attacks


  • Have weaker(not too weak) offensive attacks
  • According to what was typed in 'Abilities', most of the abilities can only be done on the ground and not while in flight.


  • Bat wings and ears are accessories for pegasus players to allow their characters to look like a bat pony. According to Blue Ink, Natfoth strongly campaigned for this, and was successful in doing so after long periods of discussion.
  • Pegasus is one of the best-known creatures in Greek Mythology. He was eventually placed among the stars as a constellation of the same name.

