Penny Farthing is a Earth pony NPC who can be found at the Town hall in Ponydale.
- "I hope today will be better then the last. I can't believe i actually ate that!"
- "Bastion and Glam should stop acting so extreme when we judge food. It's ridiculous.
- "Hmm...a good idea to put salt in a crust, but too much can result in a dehydrated crust~why am i thinking about this now? I have a meeting to prepare!"
- "I can't believe we are going to loose so much money from this deal! I hope someone special will create a meal that can take my mind of it..."
- "I can't believe he would even suggest streamers. I requested a dignified gathering. Not a disco party..."
- "Oh good, Maybe you can distract me from my agent's moronic lunacy."
- "A vegan meal?! Vegan!? How am i supposed to enjoy some of the greatest foods in the world with such a... a... Healthy meal? Ugh!"
- "Do you want something from me?"
- Penny-farthing is a type of bicycle which got its name from its large front wheel and a much smaller rear wheel, which resembled a penny leading a farthing.