Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Princess Gumdrop is an earth pony NPC who can be found inside the Crystal Castle throne room, in the Crystal Kingdom. She can give players the quest Crystal Inquisition if spoken to and the right dialogue is chosen.


  • "They say in every hateful pony, there's a loving pony trying to get out. I wonder if inside me there's a hateful pony trying to get out...
  • "You know what's unloving? Equestrian copyright laws! Those are extremely unloving. Good thing they don't apply here!"
  • "Remember to report any unloving behavior to Prince Overwatch."
  • "I hope you're all filled with love and unity! Because you know what will happen if you aren't!"
  • "The Crystal Kingdom is getting kinda cramped. Maybe i should annex a little bit of Equestria... the Heartlands maybe?"
  • "You're all so great, and i'm going to have you loving all day!"
  • " You know what i really hate? Just kidding! That was a test. I really do hate some things though. Kidding again!"
  • "I went to Griffonia once. When i invaded it."
  • "I take love to a whole new defenition!"
  • "You know, they say it is the young who have to fight in wars, but it is Princesses who start them. That's me I'm a Princess!"