Quicksand is an earth pony NPC who can be found by the Athmanes Ruins (on top of the Dig Site Dungeon just northwest of Midway Village in the Heartlands. He is involved in the quest We'll Fix It In Post.
- As of the Open Access Release that launched on September 10th, 2017, Quicksand has been relocated from the cottage to the edge of the sand pit. He has also had the pink streak taken out of his mane for unknown reasons.
- In the ninth Open Server Event, his mane design was updated with a secondary color, while his location was moved closer to the cottage.
- During Open Server Event 9 of August, 2015, he had an empty merchant menu that allowed him to buy items from the player but had nothing to sell. This was a coding error and was corrected shortly after the Event ended.
- Since the introduction of the Athmanes Ruins, he no longer stands on a patch of sand, but near a few tents on top of the dig site.