Legends of Equestria Wiki

Ruby Acorn is an enchanted acorn, primed to grow into a Ruby Tree in 84 hours or less, depending on your crop growing proficiency. Requires watering and prompt harvesting.

It requires level 36 Farming to plant and gives 18000 xp and on average 2 Ruby (16 if watered) upon harvesting

Gem tree can wilt, same as flowers, time before it wilts can be extended with Fuller Bloom and it can grow faster with Green Hoof

Green Hoof(level) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Grow Time 84h(3.5 day) 3 days 7 hours 48 minutes 3 days 3 hours 36 minutes 2 days 23 hours 24 minutes 2 days 15 hours 2 days 8 hours 16 minutes

As an Ingredient

No recipes use Ruby Acorn as an ingredient.


Learned from: Ruby Acorn Production Guide
Science level requirement: 31
Made at: AssemblyRunes
Crafting time: 2 seconds
Experience gained on success: 550 xp

Ingredients Amount
Ruby dust Ruby Dust x8
Glittering Acorn Glittering Acorn x1
Flux Flux x1
Research Matrix
Crop seeds Potato PotatoOnion OnionCarrot CarrotCelery Stalk Celery StalkLettuceSeed Lettuce SeedAlmond AlmondWheatSeed Wheat SeedTomatoSeed Tomato SeedStrawberrySeed Strawberry Seed432 Cherry Seed433 Grape SeedBanana Sapling Banana SaplingOrangeSeed Orange Seed436 Pear SeedWatermelonSeed Watermelon SeedApple Seed Apple SeedMangoSeed Mango SeedCocoa Bean Cocoa Bean
Flower seeds SunflowerSeeds Sunflower SeedsDaisySeed Daisy SeedDandelion Seed Dandelion SeedLilySeed Lily SeedTulipSeed Tulip SeedDaffodilSeed Daffodil Seed414 Starthistle SeedGoldenrod Seed Goldenrod Seed416 Silversword SeedSarsparilleSeed Sarsparille SeedFeathershank Seed Feathershank Seed419 Supplejack Seed422 Bellflower SeedGhostFlowerSeed Ghost Flower Seed420 Bluebell SeedSnapdragonSeed Snapdragon SeedMoonfireSeed Moonfire SeedRainbowRoseSeed Rainbow Rose Seed
Jeweled Acorns Ruby Acorn Ruby AcornGarnet Acorn Garnet AcornEmerald Acorn Emerald AcornPeridot Acorn Peridot AcornDiamond Acorn Diamond AcornSapphire Acorn Sapphire AcornTopaz Acorn Topaz AcornCitrine Acorn Citrine AcornAquamarine Acorn Aquamarine Acorn