Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Safely Home is a quest that is obtained from a stallion named Grouch Voucher who can be found in Cloudopolis on Airship Avenue, standing not too far from The Heartlands and Cantermore warp circles. He has a medium gray coat, light azure mane and moderate amber eyes.

Quest initiation[]

Grouch Voucher needs the player's help in getting his wife Mellow Cloud to return home so they can go to their dinner date.

Journal: Grouch Voucher asked me to find his wife, Mellow Cloud, and convince her to return home. Grouch said that I could find her in Cloudopolis.

  • Talk to Mellow Cloud

Finding Mellow Cloud[]

This is truly a search mission as Mellow Cloud is constantly on the move, but she generally walks around in the center pavilion and is marked with a quest marker. Once she is found, stand in her way and she will stop briefly. When the player talks to her for the first time, she disregards the player and walks away. When the player finds her and talks to her again, care should be taken in which dialogue choices are made. If not explained fully, she will take the comments as rude and walk away thus requiring another chase down. Fortunately, she is only walking so any race of pony can complete this quest.

NOTE: Mellow Cloud's movement is very similar to the guards in that if the player simply stands in one place long enough, she will walk up to the player and wave. She will pause a bit longer than the guards to give the player enough time to initiate a dialogue.

Journal: Mellow Cloud doesn't seem to want to hear me out. I could go back to Grouch Voucher, but I should try again.

  • Talk to Mellow Cloud again
  • Return to Grouch Voucher

Quest completion[]

Once Mellow Cloud is convinced to return home, return to Grouch Voucher. He will reward the player with 10 bits and the player will also gain 100 XP in all talents upon completion of the quest.

Journal: Mellow Cloud has headed home for dinner. Both she and Grouch are happy that things came out well.


  • The journal previously mentioned that Mellow Cloud is in Cloudsdale, which was the original name of Cloudopolis during early development.
    • This has been updated to reflect the current name.

