Legends of Equestria Wiki

Sandbearer Bats can be found in the Applewood Mines. The rooms they roam around are the ones filled with Spatial Crystals and Titanium Ore.

In addition to normal weak attacks, the Sandbearer Bat has a very strong attack called the Screech. This attack is very strong and can quickly kill even the best players. The Sandbearer Bat is scared of light, meaning the Unicorn skill Horn Glow and a Lantern can scare them away, but if attacked while holding a Lantern or using Horn Glow, they will ignore that and become aggressive again until they get off your trail to which point a Lantern or a Unicorn's Horn Glow will repel them again unless attacked again.


Apple DryadBirch DryadForest DryadBunnyNaiad


Blue HornetBookwyrmCockatriceCorgiCrystal BatDalmatian Diamond DogHaeteaHornetHusky Diamond DogKarkadannLantern MonsterLiving BushManticoreRocSandbearer BatTimberwolf


Crystal GolemDragonPegasus Rock GolemFrost Dragon
