Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

Sgt. Claymore is a Pegasus NPC. He gives the Just a Stone's Throw Away quest in which he needs to be given fifteen Smooth Rocks to sharpen knives. He is located in the field beneath the blimp to Cloudopolis.

Quest Dialogue[]

Before Starting the quest[]

"Halt! Who goes there?!”

[ Response: Hey! Easy there! I am not an enemy! My name is player name.]
”Good to see you then, player name! Since you are here, you can help me. Well, return when you are ready to aid your fellow pony in the line of duty!”
[ Response: No one that is looking for trouble, sir! I will be going now.]
“Well, return when you are ready to aid your fellow pony in the line of duty!”
[ Response: What do you need help with?]
"Excellent! We need stones to sharpen our blades and the ones we have are past their best. Just the other day, Private Snowball broke his butter knife on a loaf of bread. How bad is that?!"
[Response: Sounds pretty bad...]
[Response: Private Snowball must be really strong...or the knife really weak...]
[Response: How does that even...?]
” Exactly my point! Just go on to the field over there and get me some stones. 15 sounds about right for now. If you do good, I might have more work for you.”
[Response: Okay. That shouldn't be too hard.]
” I am sure it shouldn't be, but watch out for the little critters over there. They can be territorial at times.”
[Response: Not right now...]
“I see... Well then get out of here before you make yourself a good reason for me to take you in!”
[Response: I can't right now... Sorry.]
“I see... Well then get out of here before you make yourself a good reason for me to take you in!”

Before Finishing quest[]

“State your purpose!”

[Response: Still working on your request.]
” Very well. I see you aren't giving up. That is a very excellent trait.”
[Response: Thank you!]
“I didn't say gloat! I said that so you would get back to it! Get a move on, pony!”
[Response: Y-yes, sir!]

Finishing quest[]


[Response: ...Mr. Claymore?]
“Mister!? My father's 'Mister'! I am Sgt. Claymore, Report!”
[Response: Ah! H-h-here are the stones you needed.]
[Response: I got the stones for you.]
[Response: Here are the stones, "Sergeant."]
”Good! I had a good feeling I could count on you! Come back later on and I will have more work for you.”
[Response: Sure. I am happy to help!]
[Response: Yes, sir!]