Shady Contact is an earth pony NPC who can be seen standing in the shadows of a building near Cantermore square.
- "Have you seen a black briefcase anywhere?"
- "I don't know you, you don't know me."
- "Never did learn how to tie a tie. Wundsor? Half-windsor? Who is Windsor, anyway?"
- "Seen any unattended baggage lately?"
- "Shaken, not Sirred."
- "The milk is not ready, and you are not ready for the milk."
- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
- "Who knows what evil lurks in thehearts of ponies…"
- "You did not see me. I was not here."
- "You here to pick up the thing? No? Not here for the thing? Oh, uhhh, there is no thing, forget the thing, nevermind."