Legends of Equestria Wiki

"Smithy" (pseudonym) is a pegasus NPC who can be found located near the central pavilion in Cloudopolis. His dialogue suggests he's a blacksmith who maintains and creates armor. It also suggests that he'll likely be a Merchant in the future.

He is also known to lie frequently; whether or not what he says is believable is up to the player.


  • "If you need some good aerial armor I can set you up better than most earth ponies can. Because they can't fly."
  • "No, my Talent Mark does not match up with my name, nor does it have to. Heck, my real name isn't even "Smithy". Which also means that I lie a lot."
  • "Talking makes me angry. I prefer to communicate by smoke signals and moose code."
  • "Did you know my right foreleg is significantly larger than my left foreleg? It's because I've punched so many ponies who wouldn't stop talking to me."
  • "Didn't I already tell you my Talent Mark story? No, wait, that was somepony who bought something. My mistake."
  • "I hope the fact that I don't care if you got hurt doesn't deter you from purchasing armor from me."
  • "Grabbing glowing hot metal out of a blazing fire with my hooves is awkward, yes but it sure is an improvement from using my mouth."
  • "One of the following is a lie: I can sell you some of the finest weapons and armor in Cloudopolis. I love making conversation."

