Legends of Equestria Wiki
Legends of Equestria Wiki

A Spatial Crystal is a relatively rare resource item for use in Spatial Ingot forging.


It can be obtained by mining in the crystal caves under the Crystal Library. It is guarded by 3 level 50 Spatial Bats.

Alternative spot is in Applewood Mines where it is guarded by 3 level 50 Sandbearer Bats

It can also be obtained by mining in Bramble Woods but only in small quantities spread around a large location which might be difficult to scan for.

Read below for more information on how to reach each mining spot.

Loot from Mobs[]

One or many Spatial Crystals can be found as loot from a Roc. Most lvl 9-15 Rocs in the Heartlands near the water barrage dam drop Spatial Crystals consistently.

Mining XP rate & drop rate[]

With an Onyx Chisel with 6x Critical Eye Talent Mark you can gain a maximum of 8x spatial crystals for 6300 XP in 15-25 seconds, resulting in either 787.5 XP per ore or 700-800XP per ore because the XP per ore is not stable due to bonuses and RNG. You are not guaranteed to receive 8 spatial crystals per ore vein if you mine with a chisel at 6x Critical Eye, it is simply the limit.

With a diamond pickaxe it takes 10-15s , with bare hooves and an onyx mattock it takes 5-10s but you risk breaking the ore. These durations are approximate.

Amount of ore mined per vein will greatly differ depending on your amount of Critical Eye upgrades.

Guide for finding Spatial Crystals in Applewood Mines[]

You can enable free camera control for a real-time 3D map by typing in the chatbox /cc 1 or /cc true to activate it. To disable it type /cc 0 or /cc false. Press Enter to type in the chatbox while in free camera mode.

  • The location in Applewood Mines is a small room with 3 lvl 50 Sandbearer Bats and a cave-in. That's the correct location.
  • The wrong room is a larger one with 2 lvl 46 Sandbearer Bats with a section of water in it.

Follow the minecart track and take 2 rights then go straight through the stalacmites+minecart area. Enter the marble & sandstone rocks area that's huge and hard to miss and go straight across the sandstone area, there's 2 exits but the prison cell acts as a landmark to know you're on the right path. When you see the small area with a ledge and torch do not take the first left, take the second left else you end up in the maze.

After this you can't get lost cause there's a deadend that keeps you from going in circles, on the long way take a right where the tunnel gets incredibly narrow and you're there. Remember to use the free camera since every passageway looks the same, it's hard to figure out where you are.

Bats are scared of light, but you need to equip a lantern which sacrifices your slot for your mining gear. It's also not 100% the bats won't manage to attack you.

Guide for finding Spatial Crystals in Bramble Woods[]

Right after you ascend and exit the giant beehive you can find Spatial Crystals spread throughout the area starting with the narrow passageway that leads to 3 forks with the giant tree trunk. The passage before the tree trunk contains spatial crystals. Each of the 3 forks further down the road contain spatial crystals before the main area you have to descend into. Unfortunately because the area is so large you might find only 0 or 1 spatial crystal in your scanning zone because there's only about 6 ores to be found in total at any given time. So keep scanning THE ENTIRE AREA if your Dowsing Crystal says it doesn't detect any ores in the area. So you have to do a lot of running around. Ignore the patrolling dogs and manticores in this area, they won't bother you.


In Ingot Forging[]

A Spatial Ingot can be made by using 3 Spatial Crystals alongside 3 Magical Catalysts.


Tools DowsingCrystal Dowsing crystalBrassPickaxe Brass PickaxePickaxe (Klondike's) PickaxeNickelPickaxe Nickel PickaxeGoldPickaxe Gold PickaxeDiamondPickaxe Diamond Pickaxe
Ores Copper ore Copper OreTin ore Tin OreIron ore Iron OreAlicium ore Alicium OreElementium crystal Elementium CrystalTitanium Ore Titanium OreSpatial crystal Spatial Crystal
Materials Marbledust Marble DustFrozen Essence Drops Frozen Essence DropsCoal CoalIlmenite Ore Electrum Fragment
Gems Ruby RubyGarnet GarnetEmerald EmeraldPeridot PeridotDiamond DiamondSapphire SapphireTopaz 2 TopazCitrine CitrineAquamarine AquamarineBloodstone BloodstoneMoonstone Moonstone
Relics Broken Phoenix Front Legs Broken Phoenix Front LegsBroken Phoenix Back Legs Broken Phoenix Back LegsBroken Phoenix Chest Plate Broken Phoenix Chest PlateBroken Phoenix Back Plate Broken Phoenix Back PlateBroken Phoenix Helmet Broken Phoenix Helmet