Legends of Equestria Wiki

See also: Ingots, Harmonious Armor

A Spatial Ingot is a special ingot that's used to create harmonious armor. Temporal Padding and Temporal Scraps will also need to be made for it.

This can only be made by ponies that specialize in the Artisan Talent!


Learned from: Spatial Ingot Forging Manual
(Loot from a Roc)

Artisan Level Requirement: 46 with Talent Mark in Artisan

Crafting Time: 1 Second

Experience Gained on Success: 180 xp

Ingredients Amount
Magical catalyst Magical Catalyst x3
Spatial crystal Spatial Crystal x3
Artisan ingots Copper Ingot CopperBronze Ingot BronzeIron Ingot IronSteel Ingot SteelAlicium Ingot AliciumElementium Ingot ElementiumTitanium Ingot TitaniumSpatial Ingot Spatial